2022 Collectors’ Roundtable

  • 12 Nov 2022
  • Boston International Antiquarian Book Fair, Hynes Convention Center


November 12, 2022, 3:30 pm, Boston International Antiquarian Book Fair, Hynes Convention Center

We returned to an in-person Boston International Antiquarian Book Fair in 2022 after a three-year hiatus. The Ticknor Society hosted our annual Collectors’ Roundtable, during which we announced the winner of the 2022 Ticknor Collecting Prize, Dr. Jessica Linker, for her entry titled “Emma Hart Willard: A Life in Print.”

The theme of the Collectors’ Roundtable this year was artist’s books, and we were treated to gorgeously illustrated presentations by three excellent speakers: Darin Murphy, Head of the library at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, talked about some of the more interesting books in the library’s collection and how students at the school used them in their studies; book collector and conservator Marie Oedel highlighted artist’s books in her collection, particularly those that informed her conservation work; and Meredith Santaus, Gallery Manager at Bromer Booksellers & Gallery, presented a dealer’s perspective on buying and selling artist’s books that have a focus on issues of social justice. The Q&A session after the formal remarks was lively and allowed audience members to tease out even more from the panelists.