Tour of the “Materialia Lumina” exhibition

  • 1 Feb 2023
  • Boston Athenaeum


On Wednesday, February 1st, Dr. John Buchtel, Curator of Rare Books and Head of Special Collections at the Boston Athenaeum, led Ticknor members on a tour around the inaugural exhibition in the newly renovated Boston Athenaeum, titled “Materialia Lumina | Luminous Books: Concept & Craft in Contemporary Artists’ Books.” We started in the Leventhal Room, with its two new display cases that open the show and currently have a Kelmscott Chaucer and other representative artist’s books from the Athenaeum’s collection. Dr. Buchtel took us around the exhibit space and pointed out highlights from the approximately 40 books on display, telling their stories and explaining how they fit with the larger theme of modern artist’s books that combine high concept with high craft. We were then free to explore the space for ourselves and ask questions about particular books at will. It was a wonderful reintroduction to the Boston Athenaeum and a beautiful and informative event for The Ticknor Society.